Classes and Events


Our Winter Book Study has ended please look out for the announcement for our Summer Book Study 




Sew Friendly

Date: Saturday, June 8, 2024  (No meeting in May due to Mother's Day) 

Time: 9:30 am -1:30 pm

A multi-generational group of people that will enjoy sewing together.

We will be teaching newbies and experienced sewers. The group will learn how to quilt with the easy method of rotary cutting and we will teach how to cut fabric, sew, iron, trim blocks, create design, bind, and quilt both by hand and by machine.

The goal is to create a like-minded community of people who enjoy sewing, quilting and fabric art. In addition, we will be donating projects we make to the community, where it is needed. Possible organizations and projects may be to hospitals, blankets for infants, or pillowcases for cancer patients.

It is suggested that experienced sewers bring their in-good-working-order sewing machine and the tools from the recommended list that we will provide, that participants can personally carry.

Newbies can use Renay or Jeanette’s - one of two sewing machines and tools.

Suggested Love offering of $5.00 per meeting, but no one will be turned away.

If interested please contact either:

Renay call or text: 845-527-8172

Email at

Every 2nd Saturday of the Month at ULV.


Lehigh Valley Buddist Group

Date: Sunday, June 23, 2024 

Time: 4:00 pm -5:00 pm

A new group has started!

We are pleased to welcome the Lehigh Valley Buddhist Group, as they meet monthly for Sangha, here at Unity of Lehigh Valley. Each month they feature a different teacher to lead the Sangha in meditation and teaching. Sangha is open to Buddhists and non-Buddists alike.  

Please check out their website to learn more about this group and who will be leading Sangha for the month: for years or are just curious about what Buddhism is about, bring your open mind and pen heart and please join us!

Every 2nd Sunday of the Month at ULV.


Healing Service

Date: Sunday, June 16, 2024 

Time: 11:15 am

What is a Healing Service at ULV?

Our healing service is a facilitated process that uses energy work, guided

visualization, affirmative prayer, and/or sound healing techniques to assist individuals with removing blocks and promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. Our facilitators are trained in Unity affirmative prayer and also have training in energetic healing modalities.

The healing service allows one to reconnect with the Divine Presence within, so one can rediscover his or her own perfect state of health and well-being. It provides an opportunity to focus on the present and to love and appreciate what is.

Vibrant health is our natural and eternal state of being and is independent of

our physical condition. As we keep our thoughts in the awareness of the

Divine Life within us just as we are, we experience a healing sense of peace and well-being.

Every 3rd Sunday of the Month at ULV.


Drum Circle

Date: Saturday, June 1st, 2024

Time: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm


Join us for an afternoon of rhythmic fun at the Drum Circle event! 

Bring your drums, shakers, and other percussion instruments to participate in the circle. No experience is necessary, and all skill levels are welcome!

Drumming has been known to reduce stress, increase focus, and promote a sense of community. So, come and connect with others while enjoying the therapeutic benefits of drumming.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to drum and have fun! We hope to see you there!

Every 4th Saturday of the Month at ULV.


Awakening the Heart with Brian Lottman

Date: Sunday, July 14th, 2024

Time: 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm

Mark your calendar for Sunday, July 14, for our special guest speaker and musician, Brian Lottman, who is a traveling monk and will be offering the message and music for our morning service, as well as a Satsang, an immersion of music, chant and teaching, entitled, Awakening the Heart, in the afternoon, in which you will learn different practices for clearing the heart chakra, activating Life Force, and entering a meditation of joy and sweetness. The Satsang is from 12:30 -2:00 pm, and the Love Offering is $30.00.