Making room for more harmony in your life is a process that requires patience, prayer, and lifelong practice.
By Catherine Ann Lombard
Look, don’t get me wrong. I love my husband. We’ve been married 21 years, and every morning he still brings a cup of tea to my bedside. He then makes a beautiful breakfast, complete with foamy cappuccino. He’s handy and can fix anything. A theologian and philosopher, he likes to engage in lively literary conversations. He’s healthy, happy, and fun to be with.
Still, sometimes he can be so annoying! He’s absentminded, often forgetting the shopping list that he made so he wouldn’t forget what to buy. And in the kitchen he simply gets in the way! Other times I can see he is lost in philosophical thought and is no longer listening to me. Granted, we are always together—both of us work from home, and we live quietly on an isolated hilltop in Italy where we grow our own vegetables—so mutual tension is bound to occur. But this annoyed part of myself, who lately I decided to name Annoyed Wife, was appearing a little too frequently.